
How to Administer First Aid for Bleeding

You never know when a blood injury can occur. This can range from a small cut to something requiring hospital treatment.

If you are not trained in first aid, your worst fear is when you come across blood and nothing to stem the flow. The flow will not stop unless you act immediately.

First aid for bleeding involves more than a bandage. Here are some ways to stop bleeding instantly. Read along to learn more!

Move the Victim to a Safe Space

First, ensure that you maintain basic hygiene measures to avoid infections. Next, wear protective gloves before touching the victim or the gauze. This will help protect you from transferring blood onto yourself.

Once the gloves are on, slowly scoop up the victim and gently place him/her in a safe place, preferably on the ground. If feasible, you can place a sam sheet or blanket underneath the person in order to protect them from further damage.

Subsequently, applying direct pressure to the wound is necessary to stop the severe bleeding and check the victim’s airway to ensure it is clear.

Be sure to have a number of friends or family members on hand to help you with moving the victim and providing assistance after the initial first aid has been administered.

Seek Medical Assistance

An emergency phone call to 911 is the best way to get help quickly. Provide detailed information on the location and nature of the injury, as well as the person’s vital signs and immediate symptoms. If possible, keep the person calm and still to prevent further loss of blood.

In the event that the injury is more serious and direct medical assistance is not available, consider driving to the nearest emergency facility.

Follow the instructions of the medical staff when you arrive and provide as much information as possible regarding the bleeding incident. Follow any instructions given by medical professionals and seek follow-up care if necessary.

Apply Direct and Firm Pressure

Make sure the wound is clean, if possible. Then, if it is not, clean it with hydrogen peroxide or warm soapy water. After the wound is clean, press a gauze pad or a clean cloth against the wound with enough pressure to stop the external bleeding.

Apply firm pressure; not too hard but also not too light. If the bleeding does not stop, add extra layers of cloth or gauze until the bleeding stops. If the material becomes soaked with blood, do not remove it, as it can disturb the clot that’s formed to help stop the bleeding.

AED and first aid certifications will also teach you an idea about properly putting direct pressure on the bleeding part. If the pressure doesn’t work, suggest a person receive medical attention, preferably by a qualified physician.

Learn the First Aid for Bleeding Today

It is important to remember to stay calm when administering first aid for bleeding. If bleeding is not stopped after 15 minutes, seek medical assistance. Do not hesitate to contact emergency services when circumstances warrant it.

Don’t forget to practice safety protocols to protect yourself. Be knowledgeable and be prepared! Sign up for a first aid course to get even more knowledge on how to deal with bleeding.

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